Lectures and Performances

Recovery and Resilience: Black Women’s Mental Health [EN]

by Felicia Lazaridou

The aims of this workshop is to

  1. explore the contribution of social and contextual factors on the mental health of black woman
  2. explore contributory factors to mental ill health and recovery among black women
  3. think about what recovery means to black women and explore the levels to which it resonates across the community
  4. build a conceptualisation of recovery that black women can relate to based on what black women themselves have said they can resonate with through their own personal experiences.

Medien und Schwarze Perspektiven [DE]

by Sheila Mysorekar

Rassismus in deutschen Medien. Analyse von Themensetzung, Bildsprache und Wortwahl. Stereotype und rassistische Narrative. Negative und positive Beispiele.

Spot a Day: A Black German`s Diary [DE/EN]

by Patricia Vester and Nouria Asfaha

  • eine poetische illustrative Bildperformance


by Patricia Vester and Nouria Asfaha

  • ein aufklärender virtueller Ausstellungsrundgang durch die Vielfältigkeit Afrodeutscher Kunst