Lectures and Performances
Recovery and Resilience: Black Women’s Mental Health [EN]
The aims of this workshop is to
- explore the contribution of social and contextual factors on the mental health of black woman
- explore contributory factors to mental ill health and recovery among black women
- think about what recovery means to black women and explore the levels to which it resonates across the community
- build a conceptualisation of recovery that black women can relate to based on what black women themselves have said they can resonate with through their own personal experiences.
Medien und Schwarze Perspektiven [DE]
by Sheila Mysorekar
Rassismus in deutschen Medien. Analyse von Themensetzung, Bildsprache und Wortwahl. Stereotype und rassistische Narrative. Negative und positive Beispiele.
Spot a Day: A Black German`s Diary [DE/EN]
by Patricia Vester and Nouria Asfaha
- eine poetische illustrative Bildperformance
by Patricia Vester and Nouria Asfaha
- ein aufklärender virtueller Ausstellungsrundgang durch die Vielfältigkeit Afrodeutscher Kunst