Gebärdensprache Wir wollen immer mehr Barrieren abbauen. In diesem Jahr wird es daher endlich auch Übersetzungen in Deutsche Gebärden-Sprache geben. Wir wollen damit gehörlosen Menschen, Gebärdensprachler*innen und allen Interessierten der Deaf Community eine Teilnahme am IN*VISION Seminar ermöglichen wollen. Wir tun unser Möglichstes und gleichzeitig sind wir noch unerfahren und unsere Möglic … weiterlesen ►
Awarenessconept 2021 To be aware, to inform oneself, to be sensible to certain problems. In order to make the IN*VISION a wonderful experience for all of us and to make sure that nobody feels uncomfortable, we want to raise awareness for an attentive and conscious approach. Sexism, racism, ableism, heterosexism and any other form of discrimination have no place here! In order to live up to our … weiterlesen ►
The IN*VISION should also be a place for children and young people. It is important for us to include you in our concept and to create a place where you can meet other children and young people and empower yourselves. Therefore we have planned a real program. You can find more information below! weiterlesen ►
We have only limited spots and a quota for the festival to ensure that at least 75% of the tickets are reserved for BIPoC (i.e. Black, Indigenous, People of Color, Migrants and Refugees, Rom*nja, Sinte*zza and many more) and that a majority of WomenLesbianTrans*Inter* get the chance to participate. weiterlesen ►