Referent*in #7 blackunrealities
This is what blackunrealities says about blackunrealities:
I live in Cologne and work at the intersection of art, education and empowerment. In doing so, I combine creative writing and zinemaking as methods I personally use as media of expression with my background in education and art therapy. In the form of workshops I try to
to create free spaces in which healing creativity is allowed to happen.
blackunrealities is particularly concerned with these topics:
I am currently mainly concerned with creativity and art as resistant and healing tools, and with the design of spaces.
tools, and with the design of spaces.
As a speaker blackunrealities is important:
Slowness and grounding. Balance between creative freedom and a clearly structured and positioned offer. The possibility for participants to be surprised by themselves. The possibility to get people more in touch with themselves and their own emotions and to
to enable an exchange about it.
you can find blackunrealities on Instragram: @blackunrealities
We are very happy that blackunrealities is part of IN*VISION 2021!