Referent*in #55 - Intervention_en
This is what intervention_en says about themselves:
We are from the collective intervention_en, which puts radical solidarity into practice. We are critical, angry and solidary people. We believe that in this system of power, change only happens sustainably when we, use our privileges for it. Our drive is the idea of a society in which the weakest get the most support. It needs a solidary and strong heart and we know that there are many out there who share this idea with us.
This is the expertise we bring to the table:
We are active in various BiPoC networks and collectives and have a lot of experience working internally (empowerment WS), as well as externally (e.g. demo orga).
These are the issues that Intervention_en deals with:
Racism, anti-Semitism, classism, queer and trans hostility are the focus of our work.