Referent*in #05 Ajayini Sathyan
This is what Ajayini says about Ajayini:
I am a gender non-binary/non-conforming FLINTA* BPOC activist*, certified queer peer counselor* and artist* from Tamil Nadu. In Germany, I study Gender and Diversity at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences.
Ajayini is particularly concerned with these topics:
When possible, I actively represent, queer refugees / FLINTA* BPOCs. I also engage with politicized issues such as cultural origins, (neo) colonialism, critical whiteness, gender and sexuality through spoken word / poetry, art and through interactive lectures, workshops and discussions.
As a referent*in to Ajayini it is important:
Bring self-transformation and self-reflection through effective educational outreach.
You can find Ajayini on Instragram: @true.diversity.queer.poc
We are thrilled to have Ajayini join us at IN*VISION 2021!